Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day One of Lent---Wednesday 02/22/12

Things I want to do for Lent:

1) cut back to one Dr. Pepper a day
2) walk/run daily
3) daily scripture

I achieved #2 & #3; Thursday is a new day.

I was off work today, took the kids to get hair cuts & Luke to orthodontist. We had lunch at Scoops. It was a great day!

Cooked beef & broccoli for supper.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Whew! What an afternoon!

Kids had an eye appointment today and it took FOREVER!! Our appointed time was 1:30 & 2:00........they were an hour behind;-(  If it was my appointment I would have left but I take better care of my kids. Both kids had to get contacts and will go back next week for a quick check, just hope they are running on time then. I'm thinking of looking for a new doctor before next time. Out to eat afterwards, then Wal-Mart then the grocery store. Gone for 5 hours for something that should have only been maybe 3. I'm very tired and have a horrible headache. Tomorrow will be better!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Family Gathering

Hiya, I had an awesome family gathering with 21 family members! It was awesome! I love my family and I enjoy spending time with them. We don't see each other nearly often enough. I was very stressed out about that many people being at our house, but it really was wonderful. Patty finished the wreaths for me and they turned out beautiful. If I had a decent camera I would send you a picture. Maybe I will try to take some tomorrow and send them. We exchanged gifts with Michelle & her family, I received $50 bucks and a glass block with "The Carnes'" on it & it has lights inside. Very pretty. We gave our granddaughters a DVD player & they were excited. Addi said "Now we can watch movies in our room!!". Such sweet girls. I hope you have a great weekend. Remember, when going out looking for a job KNOW you have one & just find the right place. (((((hugs)))) Love Jennifer

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Money is the root of all things evil in my life. I will be so happy & relieved when I'm debt free. I went backwards this month and I'm sick about it. My checking account has been a mess and I'm just not paying attention to stuff. I vow to do much better. I CAN NOT continue down this road anymore. I know everyone has their own struggles and I'm no different.